
Challenging Poverty in Devizes

2nd November 2022

What can you do to follow-up on the Challenging Poverty in Devizes event on Friday 21st October?

  1. If you weren’t able to attend but are interested in hearing what was said by speakers and panellists Danny Kruger MP, Emma Revie, Suzanne Wigmore and Councillor Iain Wallis, you can read the notes from the event: Minutes of Challenging Poverty in Devizes event.
  2. If you have any comments or questions on topics that came up, please respond here or email the community organiser on [email protected]. This event is a chance to push for actions that need to be taken, but that can only happen if people in and around Devizes share their thoughts and experiences of what needs to change, and hold authorities to account to take action. The community organiser is following up on the topics that came up, but needs your help! Particularly if you have experience with needing or receiving free school meals, or have struggled to afford school uniforms in Wiltshire.
  3. If you attended and have any feedback, please send it to the above email address or fill out this short survey: If you asked a question or made a comment, did you feel that it was answered? 
    Councillor Iain Wallis, Devizes Town Council and Wiltshire Council
    Danny Kruger, MP for Devizes; Suzanne Wigmore, Wiltshire Citizens Advice CEO

    Councillor Iain Wallis; Danny Kruger MP; Suzanne Wigmore; Emma Revie

Pictures by Bob Naylor/WaterMarx Media

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